• We began working with the elements:

    • to know ourselves,

    • to return to our true nature

    • to be in harmony with all of life

  • Many traditions refer to the water as Divine Mother/Goddess. When we work with the waters, it is to reconnect with this aspect of ourselves.

  • When you sing this next chant, find your inner goddess, and be in harmony with this aspect of Self.

We All Come From the Goddess
We all come from the Goddess,
And to her we shall return.
Like a drop of rain,
Flowing to the ocean.

This month, we work with the Earth element.

  • •Many Indigenous communities connect with the Earth element through stones and rocks.

  • Picture yourself now on the stone of the Earth’s surface that most calls to you.

  • As you sing the Earth Mother Chant, feel your connection to the Earth. (Your heartbeats become one.)

  • It's wonderful to start each shamanic circle with singing, rattling, and/or drumming.

  • Why?

    • It clears the mind - of talking, teaching, even ego.

    • It allows us to become a hollow bone, or hollow reed, for spirit to work in and through.

Earth Mother Chant
Mother I feel you under my feet.
Mother I hear your heartbeat.

Sing with the elements and be in harmony with all of life!